Colors | Number of # |
Colors | 148 |
Eyes color | 15 |
Skin color | 5 |
Without pictures | Number of # |
Heights | 3 |
Numbers of friends | 5 |
Relationship status | 8 |
Weights | 3 |
With pictures | Number of # |
Dislikes | 61 |
Drinks | 68 |
Foods | 154 |
Genders | 7 |
Hobbies | 50 |
Likes friends | 4 |
Likes generals | 39 |
Likes smells | 36 |
Pets | 35 |
Seasons | 4 |
Sexualitys | 7 |
Sports | 49 |
Whens | 12 |
Wheres | 52 |
Dislikes | |
Air pollution | |
Alcohol | |
Ant | |
Beeing sick | |
Beeing with too many people | |
Birthday dinners | |
Blood test | |
Broccoli | |
Brussels sprouts | |
Cancelled flights | |
Cauliflower | |
Cheap garbage bags | |
Cigarettes | |
Cold temperatures | |
Coriander | |
Delayed bus | |
Drugs | |
Dust | |
Fake people | |
Fruits | |
Garlic | |
Ginger | |
Goind to the dentist | |
Going to the groceries | |
High humidity in the air | |
Hot temperatures | |
Insects | |
Late trains | |
Liars | |
Loud music | |
Loud noises |
Marijuana | |
Mass transports | |
Maths | |
Mite | |
Nuts | |
Peanut | |
Perfumes by scorpio | |
Plastic bags | |
Pollen | |
Pollution | |
Poop | |
Pop-ups | |
Protests | |
Rifles | |
Spiced meals | |
Spiders | |
Spilling oil on clothes | |
Spinach | |
Strikes | |
Strong smells | |
Taking out the trash | |
The smell of detergent | |
The sound of a clock | |
The sound of nails on blackboard | |
Tick | |
Too loud motorcycles | |
Too peppered meal | |
Too salty meals | |
Vegetables | |
Wasps |